Corona Virus – Statement From The CEO
Apr 4, 2020
Important Notice To All Service Users & Stakeholders
Dear All,
These are unprecedented times that we are currently living in. The Corona Virus pandemic is affecting absolutely everyone in so many different ways. As you know, the Government has issued a range of strict guidelines which we all must adhere to if we want to help reduce the spread and effect of the virus. To conform to these guidelines, LVS has had to unfortunately cease all its external engagement events as well as individual and home visits for the foreseeable future. Please check our Facebook and website pages for further updates.
We are however still available for any and all telephone enquiries. Please call on the mobile number on our contact pages or via email and we will contact you shortly afterwards.
Thank you for your patience and I look forward to seeing you all again in the near future.
Kindest Regards
Steve Hyde-Dryden
Chief Executive Officer – LVS